Whale sharks on Tofo Beach

This village on the coast of Mozambique is one of the best places

Tofo Beach in Mozambique is famous for its whale sharks. The entire coast of this African country is rich in marine wildlife. The best way to discover the underwater world is to go for a dive or a snorkel.

The best place to spot whale sharks in Africa is Tofo Beach. These giant sea creatures pass by here on their annual migration. And you can go diving or snorkelling with them, the moment one is spotted you can jump in and see them.

What a snorkeling tour looks like

You need to take your boat through where the waves break, which can be a bit of a challenge. You have to push the boat while the water reaches up to your middle. Then you hop on board, quickly before the next wave hits. Welcome to Tofo, one of the best places in the world to see whale sharks. It’s the largest fish in the world and can reach up to fifteen meters in size.

During excursions, animals such as whale sharks, manta rays and sea cows are regularly spotted. Sometimes you can see several on a trip.

Best Time to Visit Tofo

Experts say the best time to see them is November until February when whale sharks follow the warm currents that are rich in krill and plankton. And the stories of many divers and snorkelers confirm this theory: they got to be face-to-face with giant manta rays, which are also attracted to the annual feeding feast here.

More information: www.tofoscuba.com