Privacy Statement

The definitions used in this Privacy Statement are the same as the definitions as included in the General Terms and Conditions of is responsible for following and complying with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We respect the privacy of our Users of the Website.

In this Privacy Statement we tell you which data we process, for what purposes and on what basis, what your rights are as a User and how you can invoke them. Visiting and/or using this Website implies acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Statement.

All data processed via Website will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and with the greatest possible care. Its storage and transmission via the internet is secured.

The information provided to Website by Users is not sold to third parties. We can only make personal data available to third parties without your permission if this is required by law. This includes, for example, lawful requests from authorities, summonses or court orders, actions to detect or prevent damage or fraud.

Collection of Personal Data

Personal data includes all data that can be traced back to an individual natural person, such as an e-mail address. On Website, this information is only actively provided by our Users (permission) in the event that they register on the Website or share Contributions with us. Website stores this data in the content management system Prepr. Without this information you cannot create an Account and add tips to your Bucket List. In addition, Website keeps track of when you created your account, how many countries you visited and which Bucket List tips are added to your list.

You can change your data or have your entire account deleted at any time. If you want to delete your account, you can login and delete your account yourself via the button on your profile page.

All information provided by you will only be used:

  • to conduct market research (e.g. surveys);
  • to send digital newsletters (provided you have registered for this);
  • to allow you to participate in sweepstakes;
  • to display or send targeted content and data from the Website (e.g. e-mail); of which Website suspects on the basis of data that it may be interesting and relevant for you if you have registered for it);
  • to send targeted service messages about your use of the Website.

Other data

Website registers data through the statistics software from Google: Google Analytics and its content management system Prepr. Automatically, during every session, Google Analytics collects anonymously the following data:   

  • What browser is used to visit the website
  • From which country comes the IP-address
  • What time does the session start and end
  • What pages are visited in a session and for how long

Automatically, Prepr collects the following data:

  • the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer;
  • which browser a User uses;
  • the page a User comes from;
  • the time a User visits the Website;
  • all pages a User visits.

This data is encrypted so that it no longer directly identifies a User (pseudonymised). We use this pseudonymised data based on our legitimate interest to evaluate the use of Website and improve its usability and performance where necessary. We may also share this pseudonymised data with third parties. Think of the average number of visitors per month, the number of visitors who search with a certain keyword or the number of accounts that have a specific Bucket List Tip on their Bucket List.

Website stores your personal data as long as your Account is active. If you delete your Account, your personal data will be deleted immediately and irrevocably. We also delete personal data when it is no longer necessary for the above-mentioned purposes.

As indicated in the overview of cookies used under 'expiry period', all cookies are stored on your computer or mobile phone for a limited period of time. After the expiry period, the information is refreshed and the cookie is automatically deleted.

If you do not have an Account but contact us via or mention us on social media or contact us, this data will be stored for two years.

In other cases, we will keep your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes as stated in this Privacy Statement and the Cookie Policy and for compliance with (local) laws and regulations. We will then delete your personal data. If we still want to use the data after the retention period, for example for analyses, we will make your data anonymous.

Links to Other Websites

Website regularly refers to websites of third parties. Website cannot guarantee or be held liable for:

  • the content and data posted on these websites;
  • the suitability of these websites for the purpose for which you as a visitor want to consult the content and data;
  • the way in which these websites deal with (personal) data.

The Privacy Statement and the Cookie Policy of Website do not apply to the websites of third parties to which we link and Website accepts no responsibility and liability for the privacy policy and/or cookie policy of these external websites.

Third parties

If Website engages with third parties to provide its services to, for example, help with IT work or marketing, Website will only share your data if this is necessary for these services.

If these parties also process personal data, Website will only provide the data to parties that are also responsible for processing personal data in accordance with the GDPR or similar measures. In this case, Website concludes a Data Processing Agreement with these parties that, among other things, regulates the confidentiality and security of your personal data by this party. If this party is located outside the European Economic Area, Website concludes an agreement with these parties in accordance with the provision approved by the European Commission.


Website uses cookies. Cookies are not used to identify individuals. Website will never sell information from visitors to third parties. Read more about it in our Cookie Policy.

Security Measures

Website has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. For example, we regularly provide our website with automated security scans and the internet connection is secured with an SSL certificate (visible by https:// and the lock in your internet browser).

In addition, the employees of Website will only have access to your personal data if this is necessary for the performance of their tasks and they have signed a confidentiality agreement.

The parties, as indicated above, will also only have access to your personal data if this is necessary for the performance of their duties and the processing should only take place in accordance with our instructions.


Website reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement at any time. Changes will be effective immediately. Therefore, check the Privacy Statement regularly. Website will inform Users proactively about changes that have direct impact to them via e-mail.


We strive to ensure that the information and content on the Website is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the content and data on the Website are complete, correct and continuously up to date.

Travel stories

The content and data of a Travel Story on the Website is a personal representation of the experiences of the author(s).

Bucket List Tips & News Articles

The content and data of a Bucket List Tip on the Website are carefully compiled by the editors. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the content and information on the Website is complete, correct and up-to-date.

User Contributions

The Contributions of Users are expressions of the person who places this expression and not necessarily those of the webmaster, internet provider or Website. Website can in no way be held responsible for the content of this and the possible direct or indirect damage suffered as a result.

Multimedia content and data

All multimedia content and data are produced by Website, provided that it is expressly stated that this is not the case.

Tours and Trips

The content and data of Tours and Trips are provided by external commercial parties and can change without Website’s knowledge. Website cannot be held liable in any way for direct or indirect damage, in whatever form, arising from or related to consulting or using the Website, or the (in)accessibility of the website.

Website cannot guarantee that the content and data placed on the Website are suitable for the purpose for which you, as a User of the Website, consult the content and data.

Website reserves the right to regularly, and if necessary, with immediate effect, supplement and adjust the data and content of the Website, without any notice.

Website offers all information, products and services in the state in which they actually are and without any (implicit) guarantee or guarantee with regard to their reliability, suitability for a particular purpose or otherwise.

Website does not guarantee or support any product or service mentioned on the Website, nor do we guarantee any claim made by the manufacturer of such products and services. We always recommend that you make independent inquiries and/or conduct research before using the information obtained.


You have the right to view your complete personal data as registered by Website and to have it adjusted if it is incorrect or incomplete. You can adjust the data in your account yourself. Under certain circumstances, you also have the right to delete or limit the processing of your personal data by Website and the right to ask Website to provide your personal data to yourself or to third parties.

You always have the option to unsubscribe from the newsletter or object to the use of personal data for other direct marketing purposes and not to be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling. In addition, for reasons related to your specific situation, you can object to the processing of your personal data by Website, in particular when these are processed in the legitimate interest of Website.


Questions or comments, or to exercise your rights with regard to your personal data, you can contact us via:

Cornelis Mertenssstraat 7

3553 JM Utrecht

The Netherlands

[email protected]