Corno van den Berg, founder of

Amazing Places is owned and managed by myself, Corno van den Berg. I have won several international and local awards as a Travel Writer from the Netherlands. I started off as a journalist  working for various newspaper and magazine companies. However my passion for travel led me to start up my own travel websites, and 

My idea is to share my tips from the most extravagant unknown places to the most beautiful and popular destinations and the highlights for each destination. One of the special features on these websites is that you can add places on your personal bucket list. Another feature is as you travel you get to tick off  destinations from your bucket list. So join me on a journey of a lifetime fulfilling your passion to travel!

The founder: Corno van den Berg

After I finished School for Journalism in Utrecht in The Netherlands, I wanted to travel the world. In 1994 I did a five month tour through the United States, Mexico and Canada. But first things first, I needed to get my drivers license in the US. So I took a few lessons, passed the exam, and bought a car. After all of that, I went on my great US self guided tour. 

The Start of a Travel Writer

After many thrilling experiences on my tour of the US, Canada and Mexico I was inspired to become a Travel Writer. Since then I have published  many articles in magazines and newspapers about travel worldwide. In 2009 I started my first website in Dutch called

My love for Mother Earth takes me all over the planet, having the most AMAZING experiences in the most Amazing Places. Whilst travelling I often think: ‘This is stunning, others should see this as well.’ But also think: ‘If I would have known this before, I would have done it differently.’ With this in mind I started my English website in 2014 called

The intention is to help travellers access up to date information at the touch of a button. This website has tips and recommendations about the most beautiful, interesting, magnificent, known and unknown places. These recommendations will help you to make the most of your trip. I have taken numerous photos for the website. This started as a hobby, and has now become a passion.

The list of Amazing Places

What is considered to be an Amazing Place on 

  • Cities of the World, like New York but also lesser known cities.

  • Cities of Culture, like Agra (India), home to the Taj Mahal.

  • National parks, like the Grand Canyon (US) and Kruger National Park (South-Africa).

  • Monuments of nature, like Antarctica.

  • Monuments of culture, like the Great Wall of China.

  • Islands or group of islands, like Bali and Hawaii.

  • Nature’s extravaganza like the Northern lights

Check out my current listings, it has a mix of favourite places on the planet, with historical or biological value. I also look at the World Heritage List by UNESCO, the RAMSAR-convention and lots of other leading publications. The list of amazing places keeps growing even after 27 years of travelling the globe.

You can see the Ultimate Travel Bucket List.

The list continues to grow

I still travel a lot and more Amazing Places will follow. Follow me on Facebook or Instagram.

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